Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Recommendation Letter Manager for Part-Time Employee

Suggestion Letter Manager for Part-Time Employee SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Not the entirety of the applicants requesting a proposal letter are full-time or long haul workers. Regardless of whether you're composing for low maintenance or impermanent specialist, you can even now give incredible knowledge into his work execution and qualities. In the example letter beneath, a café chief suggests a server who worked during summers off from school. The up-and-comer's hoping to move into his first all day work after graduation. Peruse on to realize what this eatery supervisor needs to state. Test Letter #3: Written by a Manager for a Part-Time Employee Ms. Talia RichardsonRestaurant ManagerTapea Restaurant Group56 Main St.Centreville, VA 20122 Dear Ms. Richardson, It’s my pleasure to give this letter of proposal to Charlie, who filled in as a server at Solera Restaurant for as long as two summers. As Charlie’s direct director who worked intimately with him all through his time here, I was intrigued with his hard working attitude, neighborly character, and capacity to function admirably under tension. As he moves on from Johnson Wales with a degree in Hospitality Management, I’m sure that he has what it takes to do well as an Assistant Restaurant Manager with Tapea Restaurant Group. As a server at Solera, Charlie exhibited standout client assistance. Our customer base is a blend of long haul supporters and visiting sightseers, and Charlie was affable and proficient toward all. In any event, when things got rushed during top business hours, Charlie kept up his vitality level and meticulousness. I review one example when the kitchen was sponsored up and a table griped about to what extent they needed to sit tight for their food. Charlie tuned in to their interests and offered them free treats to guarantee that they left inclination positive about their eating experience. Charlie is exhaustive, well disposed, and accommodating, all characteristics that made him a superb expansion to our staff. To get familiar with cordiality the executives, Charlie set up gatherings with me all through the mid year to talk about my obligations as Restaurant Manager. We discussed staff preparing and oversight, spending the executives, permitting, security rules, managerial records, and business advancement, among other key pieces of the activity. Charlie carried a great deal of information to the table and immediately got new subtle strategies. Between his classes at Johnson Wales and viable encounters, he has an away from of the obligations of dealing with an eatery. The previous summer, Charlie went far in excess of what was required to assist us with facilitating enormous capacities. Specifically, he helped with arranging a graduation celebration for more than 60 individuals and a bat mitzvah for 75. Charlie gave his contribution on menus and help with requesting supplies and administering stock levels before the occasions. Charlie additionally functioned as a server, taking care of a huge volume of solicitations during an absolutely planned occasion. He demonstrated himself to be a key resource in arranging the capacities and ensuring everything ran easily. On the off chance that we had any associate administrative positions accessible at Solera, Charlie would be the principal individual I would call. Charlie has my most noteworthy suggestion for the situation of Assistant Restaurant Manager. He reliably intrigued me and the remainder of the staff with his hard working attitude, client care, and blossoming administrative abilities. It would be ideal if you don’t falter to get in touch with me for any additional data. Much thanks to you for your time. Truly, Janet ChildRestaurant ManagerSolera Restaurantjchild@solera.com(866) 811-5546 Need to give a solid proposal to your representative, however don't have the opportunity to create the ideal letter? PrepScholar's new proposal instrument, SimpleRec, takes you from well meaning goals and a clear page to a completely composed and arranged letter of suggestion in less than 5 minutes. You should simply give us some straightforward snippets of data about your worker and your experience working with them, and we'll wrap up. Give a shot SimpleRec chance free today: Will this proposal letter help Charlie line up a vocation for after graduation? Suggestion Letter #3: The Breakdown This letter speaks to one composed by a director for low maintenance worker. For this situation, the low maintenance representative is going to move on from school and is going after his first job in quite a while picked field. The proposal letter assumes a significant job, subsequently, in indicating that he’s prepared to take on this new position. As an eatery supervisor herself, Janet Child is an incredible hotspot for Charlie’s suggestion letter. She begins by depicting his client assistance abilities as a server at Solera. At that point she centers around the manners by which he’s qualified to turn into an Assistant Restaurant Manager. Janet depicts how Charlie assisted his instruction by meeting with her to find out about the obligations in café the board. She likewise talks about his in the background help in arranging and facilitating huge capacities, a duty that he would need to take on as Assistant Manager with Tapea. Janet utilizes profoundly positive language, just as explicit models, to exhibit Charlie’s abilities in the field of neighborliness the executives. She makes her suggestion letter particularly solid by expressing that she would recruit him herself if Solera had any positions accessible. Her letter will positively be a help to Charlie’s application as his commentators decide if he’s prepared to step into the situation of Assistant Restaurant Manager. What's Next? It is safe to say that you are prepared for another example proposal letter? Snap here to peruse an administrator's reference letter for an independent website specialist! It is safe to say that you are searching for our full guide on proposal letters? Look at our reference letter manual for find out about what goes into a decent letter and discover eight additional examples. Need to give a solid proposal to your worker, yet don't have the opportunity to create the ideal letter? PrepScholar's new proposal instrument, SimpleRec, takes you from well meaning goals and a clear page to a completely composed and arranged letter of suggestion in less than 5 minutes. You should simply give us some straightforward snippets of data about your worker and your experience working with them, and we'll wrap up. Give a shot SimpleRec chance free today:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Biology of Mangroves :: Research Essays Term Papers

Science of Mangroves One of the most one of a kind and least comprehended conditions found in nature is that of the mangrove. This environment is found at the intersection among land and ocean. Writer, Loren Eiseley (1971) expounded distinctively on his experience with a mangrove timberland in the book The Night Country: A world like that isn't generally common. Portions of it are neither land nor ocean thus everything is moving from one component to anotherãâ€"Nothing waits where it started in light of the fact that everything is continually moving in, or moving out, of its temperamental condition. The real word à «mangroveã ­ can be utilized in two different ways. It can allude to an individual types of plant or it can demonstrate a gathering or timberland of plants that contains numerous species (Figure 1). To figure out what comprises a mangrove animal varieties numerous viewpoints are considered including: (1) air temperature inside a specific range, (2) mud substrate, (3) assurance, (4) salt water, (5) tidal range, (6) sea flows and (7) shallow shores. To explain, every one of these angles will be considered thus. The best mangrove improvement has been found to happen just when the normal air temperature of the coldest month is higher than 20 degrees Celsius and where the regular range doesn't surpass ten degrees. Most broad mangroves are related with sloppy soils along deltaic coasts, in tidal ponds and along estuarine shorelines. With the goal for mangroves to endure an ensured coastline is fundamental as mangrove networks can't create where significant levels of wave activity forestall the foundation of seedlings. As far as salt water, there is expanding proof that most mangroves have their ideal development within the sight of some extra sodium chloride. The tidal range assumes a significant job in mangrove improvement. The more noteworthy the tidal range, the more prominent the vertical range accessible for the network. Likewise for a given tidal range, steep shores will in general have smaller mangrove zones than do tenderly inclining ones. Another part of mangrove networks is sea ebb and flow. The flows are basic since they act to scatter the mangrove propagules and disseminate them along the coasts. The requirement for a shallow shore is the last significant part of mangrove backwoods. This is clear while thinking about that seedlings can't become tied down in profound water and that the mangrove requires an enormous extent of its body to be over the water (Hutchings and Saenger, 1987). Mangrove woodlands are built up in different districts of the world and one of the most noticeable areas is the landmass of Australia.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Worlds within worlds

Worlds within worlds I hear Early Action decisions went out. Congrats to those of you who got in. If you got deferred, dont take it too hard, plenty of people whom I know here got deferred EA and then got in. Eventually, those of you who get in will get to come to CPW. And some of you might have already visited overnight. Youll get to stay with a student, or a house (during CPW, if you stay in a fraternity, sorority, or independent living group, your host is the house, rather than a particular person). Youll get to experience a small slice of life at MIT to help make your decision about where to go to school. But will the slice be what youre looking for? I remember reading a comment last year on one of the blogs (Matts? Bens?) that took me aback. It was shortly after CPW, and one of the prefrosh who read the blog was complaining that the social atmosphere of MIT had been a letdown. He had expected, he explained, weirder, nerdier kids, like himself, and the kids he met were mostly disappointingly normal. And then every year there are the prefrosh who come from the opposite perspective theyre worried about going to a tech school because they want a more social life, and they are drawn to MITs academics but wish the students werent so weird and nerdy. Both ends of this spectrum are running into the same problem. Theyre missing a crucial point MIT might have some central values, and even some common cultural aspects (having lots of work to do, sympathy for peers who cant go to some fun thing because they have a pset or project due tomorrow, and willingness to help out your friends are pretty universal, for instance), but there isnt really any such thing as a campus-wide social culture. As an undergrad, your social culture, in my observation, depends largely on two factors: 1. Your living group 2. Your extracurricular activities Conveniently, these are both your choice. A recent session of 9.75 (Psychology of Gender and Race) illustrated this point pretty well for me. The professor put up a transparency with a script for a college-age heterosexual first date a list of things that the male is supposed to do, and a list of things that the female is supposed to do that was written by researchers who surveyed college students and were trying to figure out what sort of behavior was typical. Now, Im a little sheltered in this regard, because before college, I had no idea what was going on around me in terms of dating and relationships, nor did I care. If youd asked me what a typical date between students at my high school or middle school was like, I would have been clueless. And I dont generally trust pop culture representations of teen life. So my concept of what a first date between two young, heterosexual, monogamous people is like was framed mostly by my observations of such people in my social group at MIT. So my first reaction, when I read what was on the transparency, was Is this study from the 50s? I wasnt joking either. When I was told that no, it was from a few years ago, I was amazed. So were a few others. Quite a few of my classmates, however, were amazed that I was amazed. They said that, yes, this was pretty much what theyd expect from a first date. It was an interesting reminder that we take classes together and are bound together by intelligence and intensity and dedication, but socially we might as well be on different planets. Kind of cool, really. You can go to a different living group and find both a completely different culture and a powerful common bond. Anyway, back to the prefrosh that I talked about at the beginning. Admissions tries to match prefrosh and hosts well, but theres only so much you can do with limited information, especially during CPW when theres tons of prefrosh needing hosts and the hosts arent evenly distributed around campus. I remember when I was a prefrosh at CPW. I was temped at a sorority, Alpha Phi. The women of Alpha Phi are very nice people. They are not, however, the sort of living group I would tend to click with in terms of personality (I told Matt about this a couple of years later, and he couldnt imagine what they were thinking when they put me there). But there was a very nice sophomore there who helped me carry my bag to the house, a cheery Alpha Phi sister who lived in Baker House. We talked quite a bit during the walk, and she suggested that I go visit Senior Haus. I did, and I related much more to the culture there than I did to Alpha Phi, though I was still intimidated by the in-your-face quality of the urban punk atmosphere. When I got there, three or four residents were sitting around eating the food that was marked for prefrosh because no prefrosh were in the lobby, and they were so excited when I showed up and said that Id heard that they were the cool dorm, that they gave me a private tour. They also suggested that I check out East Campus, Random Hall, and Bexley Hall. As you might be aware, I now live in one of those dorms (East Campus). And I love it, and my wonderful hall 5th East, to death. My point is that theres probably something for you here no matter what kind of social climate you want. If you want outgoing people, wild parties, and varsity athletes, you can have that. If you want quiet, mild, studious people who are conservative in their behavior, you can have that. If you want hackers, or builders, or classic DD playing nerds, or arty indie kids and punks, or hippie engineers, or many other things, you can have that too. If youre on campus, and youre not finding the people youre looking forwell, you probably just need to ask around. Id be rather surprised if they arent there somewhere.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Brown the Last Discovery of America - 1331 Words

Brown: The Last Discovery of America completes Richard Rodriguez s three-volume work in which he explains and explores the ethnic and racial future of America. In this particular book, the author defines the color brown not as the representation of the Hispanic race but as the color of the future. Black, white, yellow, the author explains, are incorrect racial categories for it is not how nature works. Nature yearns for combination of all different colors, and brown is the final result. In the chapter Hispanics, as seen through imagery, personification, and humor, Richard Rodriguez upsets the reader to show that racial categorization is unfit and that racial barriers are meant to be broken. Rodriguez begins the chapter by†¦show more content†¦This statement is funny because the reader himself is well acquainted with this term and probably has used it in his childhood. Though it is humorous, Rodriguez wants the reader to realize that the American language is unique becau se it has its disinclination to be tied down (113). The language itself is always yearning for the next generation to twist and form it to its own. Another comical section involves the character Miss Bolivia, a fictional character on a game show. The host, in the voice of Rodriguez, states that she is destined for Hispanicity because [she] lives in the United States (119).  ¿?, the girl responds. She considers herself to be  ¡Bolivian! (119). But the host does not care about Miss Bolivia s opinion and bid farewell to [her] and asks ‘Who s our next contestant, Johnny? (120). This scenario appeals to the reader because the host does not care for Miss Bolivia s opinion. She might think she is Bolivian, but she is going to be thought of as a Hispanic nevertheless. The author mainly mentions Miss Bolivia to show that by coining the word Hispanic in which it groups unrelated people, it has become a hybrid, uniform, [and] colorless (120). In other words, Hispanicism belo ngs not to one specific group but to everyone. As a result, humor subtlely suggests that racial categories do not reflect reality. Finally, personification communicates the nature of the word Hispanic, an objectShow MoreRelatedBrown: The Last Discovery Of America Essay example1391 Words   |  6 PagesBrown: The Last Discovery of America completes Richard Rodriguezs three-volume work in which he explains and explores the ethnic and racial future of America. In this particular book, the author defines the color brown not as the representation of the Hispanic race but as the color of the future. Black, white, yellow, the author explains, are incorrect racial categories for it is not how nature works. Nature yearns for combination of all different colors, and brown is the final result. In theRead MoreRichard Rodriguez s Brown : The Last Discovery Of America1135 Words   |  5 PagesAmerica is a melting pot of different people, culture, and religion. Although there are millions of different people from different parts of the world, it s citizens would like to appear united and patriotic. To foreigners, every person living in the United States is an American; however, within the country, there are divisions among the society through a concept called race. No citizen calls themselves an American to another American. The individual labels themselves Hispanics, Asians, [or]Read MoreEssay on Inventions and Discoveries of the 1960’s1605 Words   |  7 PagesInventions and Discoveries of the 1960’s The 1960’s era was a time period notorious for its technology and innovation. This particular era of time was booming with creativity. 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The geographic center of the United States population still remained in Indiana, eight miles south-southeast of Spencer, in Owen County. Then on January 10, 1920 The League of Nations is established with the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles, ending the hostilities of theRead MoreA Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan1555 Words   |  7 PagesChinese despite her mother’s insistence. Jing-mei is ignorant about the people and places in China, which could be the most likely cause of her being raised in America and only knowing American culture. Setting is integral for Jing-mei to finally understand herself. In Amy Tan’s short story â€Å"A Pair of Tickets† setting is used to emphasize the discovery of self-identity as well as heritage and culture for the protagonist Jing-mei. Having lived all her life in San Francesco, Jing-mei has never consideredRead MoreDavid Walker ( 1785-1830 ) Traces For Events That Transpired During The Civil War1593 Words   |  7 Pagesignorance and deracination, aggressive to last privation would he ask to be God? Alluring of which ought to be slavery to the American person and children forever is the main problem. Too it is the most egregious historical analysis of slavery that condition crueler. Almost deign an  ¬Ã‚ ¬enlighten and Christian people. Only they created characters that represent how people felt at the time. They are crests of characters with many years ago of expression has in Afro America life. Also He had international workplaceRead MoreDavid Walker ( 1785-1830 ) Traces From Events That Transpired During The Civil War1593 Words   |  7 Pagesignorance and deracination, aggressive to last privation would he ask to be God? Alluring of which ought to be slavery to the American person and children forever is t he main problem. Too it is the most egregious historical analysis of slavery that condition crueler. Almost deign an enlighten and Christian people. Only they created characters that represent how people felt in the time. They are crest of characters with many years ago of expression has in afro America life. Also He had international workRead MoreAnalysis Of Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee Essay1320 Words   |  6 PagesBury My Heart at Wounded Knee is a non-fiction book written by Dee Brown on the removal and extinction of the native peoples that called America their home. The title was created by utilizing a line from Stephen Vincent Benà ©t’s poem â€Å"American Names†. Furthermore, the book demonstrates the deteriorating relations between the natives and whites over time through the descriptions of atrocities imposed upon each Native American tribe by the white settlers. The number of these atrocities greatly outnumbers

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Exemplification Essay Welfare, A Vicious Circle - 1427 Words

Its Dianas turn at the tiny glass window. Her face burns red with shame as she is handed her monthly check. Two small children tug at her dress, their stomachs growling from a day without food. She looks down at her two children, her face filled with pain and guilt. What had happened to their happy life? With just the stroke of the pen across a divorce decree, Diana and her children were thrust into the humiliation of the welfare line. For two years now, Diana has tried to get back on her feet, but with only a high school diploma, she cant find a job to support her family. Getting a college degree is her only way out, but her check isnt enough to afford daycare, so shes stuck accepting welfare. This is not an†¦show more content†¦Many male political figureheads have gone as far to say that government largess to poor mothers ruins character, breaks up families, weakens the economy, and bloats the budget (Abramovitz and Piven A23). Many blame the countrys economic problems on the huge burden of welfare. They want reforms to cut welfare spending, but with the welfare rolls stabilizing in the 1970s, funding for the welfare program only accounts for one percent of the annual federal budget (Buchsbaum 6). The public feels it is okay to receive social security, defense contracts, or bank bailouts, but welfare is seen as the root of all evil. In theory, welfares job is to help support those who are having some hard times until they can get back on their feet; in actuality this system is not even coming close to meeting its goals. In order to help a family over an obstacle, welfare benefits must be at least equal to the poverty line standard, if not over it. Today, the average monthly welfare check is approximately $417.00, while the federal poverty line is $932.00 per month (7). Some government leaders, such as President Clinton, have wanted to start a work program for welfare recipients where they will have jobs working at minimum wage, but they will only be allowed to work thirty-five hours per week (DeParle A12). This program is onlyShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesBusiness Cultures,† Journal of Business Ethics 85, no. 4 (2009), pp. 445–451. â€Å"Unplanned Absence Costs Organi zations 8.7 Percent of Payroll, Mercer/Kronos Study† (June 28, 2010), www .mercer.com/press-releases/1383785. W. Hoge, â€Å"Sweden’s Cradle-to-Grave Welfare Starts to Get Ill,† International Herald Tribune (September 25, 2002), p. 8. See www.bls.gov/data (May 11, 2005). See, for example, M. C. Sturman and C. O. Trevor, â€Å"The Implications of Linking the Dynamic Performance and Turnover Literatures,† Journal

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mountain Man Brewing Company Free Essays

Mountain Man Brewing Company| To:| Chris Prangel| From:| 001706975| CC:| David Nasser| Date:| 3/4/2013| Re:| Bringing the Brand to Light| Comments:| For the first time in the company’s history, Mountain Man Brewing Company is experiencing declining sales in response to changes in beer drinkers’ preferences. Mr. Prangel’s response to this problem is introducing a â€Å"light beer† form of the popular Lager. We will write a custom essay sample on Mountain Man Brewing Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the past six years, the â€Å"light beer† industry as increased at an annual rate of 4% while sales of traditional beer has been declining annually by 4%. Although this seems like a probable solution, there are two major problems Mr. Prangel is facing: 1. ) Mountain Man’s current target market will not approve of this new beer, and 2. ) bringing in a light version of the Mountain Man Lager could ruin the brand image and ultimately destroy the company. Mountain Man’s biggest target market currently, and pretty much since it started in 1925, is males ages 45-54. Most of these males are blue-collar, hardworking males. It has been known as â€Å"West Virginia’s Beer† known for its authenticity, quality and its toughness. To the younger beer drinkers, the market the light beer appeals to, view Mountain Man beer as too strong and a â€Å"working man’s† beer. Not only do the younger beer drinkers have their negative thoughts about Mountain Man developed, but the blue-collar customers account for a huge percentage of sales. The brand loyalty rate for Mountain Man Lager is 53% which is higher than any of its competitors. The â€Å"light beer† appeals to the younger generation, especially the females, and Mountain Man Lager has always appealed to the older, rugged, blue-collar male. The appearance of Mr. Prangel’s dilemma is very evident. Based on the evidence, Mountain Man should not introduce the light beer. The light beer industry is growing, that can’t be denied, however for Mountain Man, it is not in their best interest yet. Although the quantitative reasoning is included below, it would be in Mountain Man Brewing Company’s best interest to take the $750,000 and spend it elsewhere: create a new beer (non-light) that can appeal to more than the current target market without losing its brand image, spend more money for advertising to the younger beer-drinking market. Mountain Man Brewing Company needs to have a wider target market before introducing a completely new product that could potentially destroy the company if it were unsuccessful. THE PROS AND CONS OF INTRODUCING A LIGHT BEER The most beneficial pro of introducing Mountain Man Light will be reaching the younger beer drinkers. It is shown that the younger beer drinkers enjoy the light beer better, and also in their twenties, usually haven’t committed to a brand yet. Mountain Man is very well-known by the younger beer drinkers, however, they tend to buy and consume in quantity; the Mountain Man Lager is not on their top preference, along with other lagers and full-flavor beers. Introducing this light beer could reach the younger beer drinkers and potentially lead to brand loyalty amongst them. A few cons could be losing brand loyalty amongst the older generation, losing sales of the Mountain Man Lager due to cannibalization, and a lower contribution margin. THE BRAND NAME OF A LIGHT BEER If the light beer were introduced, the name Mountain Man Light is not the best option for the market Mountain Man is already in. A 53% loyalty rate is great for a company that produces one flavor of a brew. If the company that they have seen as for years as a rugged, authentic, â€Å"West Virginia’s Beer†, puts out a â€Å"light† version, its image could be lost immediately. In response to the introduction of a light beer by Mountain Man, it was the man in his fifties and early thirties that found it to be absurd. BREAK EVEN AND BREAK EVEN IN MARKET SHARE IN 2 YEARS By keeping the same price for light as the lager, breakeven in dollar amount is almost $10,000,000 which then translates into 100,473 barrels. Within two years, Mountain Man Light will have to produce almost $10,000,000 in sales and sale 20% of what Mountain Man Lager has worked almost a century to sale. As for the market share, Mountain Man Light will need to gain a 26% of the market share in 2 years to break even. This seems very unrealistic since the leading brand light beer now consumers 32. 9% and the second leading brand holds 17. 8% of the market. Mountain Man Light will have to become the second leading brand in the market within only 2 years (assuming that the sales of â€Å"light beer† continue to grow annually by 4%). CANNIBALIZATION RATE Because Mountain Man Lager produces so many units and produces such high sales already, the difference in cannibalization of 5% to 20% is pretty significant (almost 1,000,000). Two year contribution with a 5% cannibalization rate is $32,895,226. 2 compared to $31,988,859. 59 with a 20% cannibalization rate. This is a major loss in sales of the Mountain Man Lager. If cannibalization is inevitable, the lower percentage of cannibalization is the best option, it yields a higher contribution. Anything above 20% is unnecessary and definitely not worth introducing the Mountain Man Light. BUDGET FOR THE LAUNCH The budget of $750,000 added onto the $900,000 already annual cost of SGA costs is not appropriate. Not only is it adding that money onto the annual SGA costs, it adds $4. 9 more per barrel in variable costs. Yet, the price of the light will still be the same as the lager. It will produce a 60% awareness level for Mountain Man Light, however, reduces the contribution margin by 16%; the price remains the same and cost of goods sold increases. Adding an expense like $750,000, a company should expect it to be better for the company. A 16% decrease in the contribution margin is not good for a company like Mountain Man that has its one specialty product in which it is known for. THE LAUNCH Although it is not recommended to introduce this Mountain Man Light because of the previous stated concerns, Mountain Man should not stop there and let the company fail. Mountain Man can take their $750,000 and introduce another beer just not a â€Å"light beer†. Keep the authentic, rugged brand image by introducing a different type of brew that will continue to appeal to the target market. Mountain Man should try to increase its target market with its original idea before it tries to introduce a new brand. If this is not ideal, the $750,000 can be spent on gaining, and retaining, a younger, beer drinking crowd. There is always a way to appeal to a younger crowd, Mountain Man needs to find the window of opportunity and take those consumers. With the high awareness of Mountain Man Lager by the younger beer drinker, however, Mountain Man could change their marketing strategy and discover a way to appeal to the younger market. | Contribution of Lager and Light Breakeven in Dollars and Units (Barrels) Market Share Cannibalization of 5% Cannibalization of 20% How to cite Mountain Man Brewing Company, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Agriculture and Economics of Peru Essay Example For Students

The Agriculture and Economics of Peru Essay Perus gross domestic product in the late 1980s was $19.6 billion, or about $920 per capita. Although the economy remains primarily agricultural, the mining and fishing industries have become increasingly important. Peru relies primarily on the export of raw materialschiefly minerals, farm products, and fish mealto earn foreign exchange for importing machinery and manufactured goods. During the late 1980s, guerrilla violence, rampant inflation, chronic budget deficits, and drought combined to drive the country to the brink of fiscal insolvency. However, in 1990 the government imposed an austerity program that removed price controls and ended subsidies on many basic items and allowed the inti, the national currency, to float against the United States dollar. About 35 percent of Perus working population is engaged in farming. Most of the coastal area is devoted to the raising of export crops; on the montaa and the sierra are mainly grown crops for local consumption. Many farms in Peru are very small and are used to produce subsistence crops; the country also has large cooperative farms. The chief agricultural products, together with the approximate annual yield (in metric tons) in the late 1980s, were sugarcane (6.2 million), potatoes (2 million), rice (1. We will write a custom essay on The Agriculture and Economics of Peru specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now 1 million), corn (880,000), seed cotton (280,000), coffee (103,000), and wheat (134,000). Peru is the worlds leading grower of coca, from which the drug cocaine is refined. The livestock population included about 3.9 million cattle, 13.3 million sheep, 1.7 million goats, 2. 4 million hogs, 875,000 horses and mules, and 52 million poultry. Llamas, sheep, and vicuas provide wool, hides, and skins. The forests covering 54 percent of Perus land area have not been significantly exploited. Forest products include balsa lumber and balata gum, rubber, and a variety of medicinal plants. Notable among the latter is the cinchona plant, from which quinine is derived. The annual roundwood harvest in the late 1980s was 7. 7 million cu m. The fishing industry is extremely important to the countrys economy and accounts for a significant portion of Perus exports. It underwent a remarkable expansion after World War II (1939-1945); the catch in the late 1980s was about 5.6 million metric tons annually. More than three-fifths of the catch is anchovies, used for making fish meal, a product in which Peru leads the world. The extractive industries figure significantly in the Peruvian economy. Peru ranks as one of the worlds leading producers of copper, silver, lead, and zinc; petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, molybdenum, tungsten, and gold are extracted in significant quantities. Annual production in the late 1980s included 3.3 million metric tons of iron ore; 406,400 metric tons of copper; 2054 metric tons of silver; 203,950 metric tons of lead; and 612,500 metric tons of zinc. About 64.9 million barrels of crude petroleum were produced, along with 578.3 million cu m of natural gas. Much manufacturing in Peru is on a small scale, but a number of modern industries have been established since the 1950s along the Pacific coast. Traditional goods include textiles, clothing, food products, and handicrafts. Items produced in large modern plants include steel, refined petroleum, chemicals, processed minerals, motor vehicles, and fish meal. In the late 1980s Peru had an installed electricity-generating capacity of approximately 3.7 million kw, and annual output was approximately 14.2 billion kwh. About three-quarters of the total electricity produced was generated in hydroelectric facilities. The unit of currency in Peru is the inti, divided into 100 cntimos; after being allowed to float against the U.S. dollar, the inti fluctuated wildly at between 200,000 and 400,000 to the dollar in mid-1990. The Banco Central de Reserva del Per (1922) is the central bank and bank of issue. All private domestic banks were nationalized in 1987. .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 , .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 .postImageUrl , .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 , .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3:hover , .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3:visited , .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3:active { border:0!important; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3:active , .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3 .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7897ca973f0a8329d8992653a27580a3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Breast Cancer In Women Essay Exports are more diversified in Peru than in most South American countries. The principal exports are petroleum, copper, lead, coffee, silver, fish meal, zinc, sugar, and iron ore. The chief export markets are the United States, Japan, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, and Great Britain. Exports earned about $2.7 billion annually in the late 1980s. The leading imports of Peru include electrical and electronic items, foodstuffs, metals, chemicals, and transportation equipment. The principal sources of these goods are the United States, Japan, Argentina, Germany, and Brazil. Imports cost about $2.8 billion annually in the late 1980s. Perus system of railroads, highways, and airports has been expanded considerably since World War II. The countrys mountains make surface transport difficult, however. In the late 1980s Peru had about 69,940 km (about 43,460 mi) of roads, of which 11 percent were paved. The main artery is a section of the .

Friday, March 20, 2020

Cadmium Facts - Periodic Table

Cadmium Facts - Periodic Table Cadmium Atomic Number 48 Cadmium Symbol Cd Cadmium Atomic Weight 112.411 Cadmium Discovery Fredrich Stromeyer 1817 (Germany) Electron Configuration [Kr] 4d10 5s2 Word Origin Latin cadmia, Greek kadmeia - ancient name for calamine, zinc carbonate. Cadmium was first discovered by Stromeyer as an impurity in zinc carbonate. Properties admium has a melting point of 320.9Â °C, boiling point of 765Â °C, spcific gravity of 8.65 (20Â °C), and a valence of 2. Cadmium is a blue-white metal soft enough to be easily cut with a knife. Uses Cadmium is used in alloys with low melting points. It is a component of bearing alloys to given them a low coefficient of friction and resistance to fatigue. Most cadium is used for electroplating. It is also used for many types of solder, for NiCd batteries, and to control atomic fission reactions. Cadmium compounds are used for black and white television phosphors and in the green and blue phosphors for color television tubes. Cadmium salts have wide application. Cadmium sulfide is used as a yellow pigment. Cadmium and its compounds are toxic. Sources Cadmium is most commonly found in small quantities associated with zinc ores (e.g., sphalerite ZnS). The mineral greenockite (CdS) is another source of cadmium. Cadmium is obtained as a by-product during treatment of zinc, lead, and copper ores. Element Classification Transition Metal Density (g/cc) 8.65 Melting Point (K) 594.1 Boiling Point (K) 1038 Appearance soft, malleable, blue-white metal Atomic Radius (pm) 154 Atomic Volume (cc/mol) 13.1 Covalent Radius (pm) 148 Ionic Radius 97 (2e) Specific Heat (20Â °C J/g mol) 0.232 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol) 6.11 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol) 59.1 Debye Temperature (K) 120.00 Pauling Negativity Number 1.69 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol) 867.2 Oxidation States 2 Lattice Structure Hexagonal Lattice Constant (Ã…) 2.980 Lattice C/A Ratio 1.886 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.) Return to the Periodic Table Chemistry Encyclopedia

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Islamic Mullah

Islamic Mullah Mullah is the name given  to teachers or scholars of Islamic learning or the leaders of mosques. The term is usually a mark of respect but can also be used in a derogatory manner and is primarily used in Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, and the former Soviet republics of Central Asia. In Arabic-speaking lands, an Islamic cleric is called an imam or Shayk  instead. Mullah is derived from the Arabic term mawla, which means master or the one in charge. Throughout Southern Asias history, these rulers of Arabic descent have led cultural revolutions and religious war alike. However, a mullah is general a local Islamic leader, although sometimes they rise to national prominence. Usage in Modern Culture Most often, Mullah refers to Islamic scholars well-versed in the sacred law of the Quran, however, in  Central  and  East Asia, the term mullah is used on a local level to refer to mosque leaders and scholars as a sign of respect.   Iran is a unique case in that it uses the term in a pejorative manner, referring to low-level clerics as mullahs because the term derives from Shiite  Islam wherein the Quran casually mentions mullah multiple times throughout its pages while Shia Islam is the dominant religion of the country. Instead, clergymen and religious leaders use alternative terms to refer to their most respected members of the faith.   In most senses, though, the term has disappeared from modern usage except to mock those who are overly devout in their religious pursuits - a sort of insult for reading the Quran too much and assuming oneself the Mullah referred to in the sacred text. Respected Scholars Still, there is some respect behind the name mullah - at least for those who regard those well versed in religious texts as mullahs. In these cases, the astute scholar must have a firm understanding of all things Islam - especially as it pertains to the contemporary society wherein the hadith (traditions) and fiqh (law) are equally important. Oftentimes, those considered to be mullah will have memorized the Quran and all of its important teachings and lessons - though often times throughout history uneducated common folk would misname visiting clerics mullahs because of their vast knowledge (comparatively) of the religion. Mullahs can also be considered teachers and political leaders. As teachers, mullahs share their knowledge of religious texts in schools called madrasas in matters of Shariah law. They have also served in positions of power, such as the case with Iran after the Islamic State took control in 1979. In Syria, Mullahs play an important role in the ongoing conflict between rival Islamic groups and foreign adversaries alike, valuing the protection of Islamic law while staving off Islamic extremists and attempting to restore democracy or civilized form of government to the war-torn nation.

Monday, February 17, 2020

British Indirect Rule in Ghana, Kenya and S. Africa Essay

British Indirect Rule in Ghana, Kenya and S. Africa - Essay Example This authoritarian nature of the indirect rule by the British often made chiefs in Africa abuse power in a way that was never possible in a traditional system and there was no innovation or conservation of traditional elements in the indirect rule. Significantly, a "type of indirect governance was found in early toeholds in West Africa, notably Cape Coast Colony in the Gold Coast (now Ghana) These colonies had Legislative Councils with nominated, non-official members who regarded themselves as a loyal opposition, as well as newspapers critical of governmentYet another version of Indirect Rule developed with respect to the loosely organized, so called stateless peoples of Southern Nigeria, Kenya, or Tanganyika, whose political institutions had either remained rudimentary or been destroyed by European military action. Here 'foreigners' or relatively unimportant individuals (such as the warrant chiefs in East Africa) were imported or raised above their former stations." (Louis, Brown, L ow, and Canny 1999 P. 239). These colonies had Legislative Councils with nominated, non-official members who regarded themselves as a loyal opposition, as well as newspapers critical of government†¦Yet another version of Indirect Rule developed with respect to the loosely organized, so called stateless peoples of Southern Nigeria, Kenya, or Tanganyika, whose political institutions had either remained rudimentary or been destroyed by European military action.(Louis, Brown, Low, and Canny 1999 P. 239)...One of the major consequences of the 'indirect rule' by the British in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa was the establishment of traditional rulers in these countries who wanted to conserve culture and tradition. The emphasis on traditional ruler vs. educated elite had an important impact on the nationalization process of these nations. In a profound analysis interrogating the reasons for the failure of African nationalism in the post-independent period, which is a challenging task, the impact of 'indirect rule' of the British on ethnicity and nationalism of the African countries becomes palpable. Significantly, the workings of imperialism in West Africa indisputably enhanced social cleavages between rural and urban classes, the elite and the masses, and made it difficult to form bonds that would survive the immediate transition to independence. While the manipulation of the communist threat turned aside the just grievances of the masses, cultivation of the moderate, bourgeois elite secured a constant base for Western financial interests. "The manipulation of ethnicity and 'tradition' under colonial rule also had important consequences. As the masses had been excluded from modernity under indirect rule, the nationalist intelligentsia appeared to ethnic as well as pan-African consciousness in building nationalist movements. The attraction of ethnic identity was that it cut across class lines and prioritized culture and 'traditional values' in a time of change. E thnicityis dynamic, not static, and thus may also be viewed as 'another form of popular consciousness' which emerged with the political struggles against colonialism." (Bush, 1999, P. 125-6). However, according to the progressive imperialists, such 'ethnic consciousness' or

Monday, February 3, 2020

Real Art as the Capacity to Make us Nervous Research Paper

Real Art as the Capacity to Make us Nervous - Research Paper Example For the Greeks, art was neither significant nor true. In short, what they were trying to say is that the painting of a chair is no good if someone is not going to seat on it. However, lie or no lie, art considerably has a certain value since it is a form of therapy. It has the capability to make people feel nervous and send their minds on a thoughtful journey depending on the object you are viewing (Sontag 1). With regards to the Greeks, the mimetic theory of art goes together with the view that art is figurative, all the times. However, they should not close their eyes to the fact that art is always abstract and decorative. The misleading notion that art is unavoidably a "realism" can be scrapped or modified devoid of ever going outside the issues surrounded by the mimetic theory (Sontag 1). This paper will discuss why art makes an audience nervous. It will base is on Sontags claim that real art has the capacity to make people feel nervous. It will also present its arguments using a number of performance art and the effects they had on the audience to dispute the Greek notion of art. Performance art has had its fair share of criticism over time. Most people deem that it is clearly weird, having heard rumors of bulls semen, dancing naked and even howling. A majority of individuals in the art world believe that since its halcyon days in the 60s and in the 70s, the medium has lost its power (Swan 1). No matter the side someone stands, chances are performance art makes them unbelievably nervous or maybe even cynical as some critics believe. The nervous feeling, a majority of the dramatists confirm is the proof of arts unique power to make people think afar and also feel something different. Performance art is live art and when it is really good, it creates a direct and overly personal effect on the audience (Heathfield 8). For  instance, in Lesbian National Parks and Services by Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan, Dempsey's knuckles are raw and bleeding when he eventually became tired to knock on the door. A majority of the audience has gradually frittered away, but some returned periodically to watch.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Hawaiian Monk Seal: An Endangered Species

The Hawaiian Monk Seal: An Endangered Species The Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus Schauinslandi) is an endemic species located on the Hawaiian Islands. It has the following taxonomy: Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Carnivora, Family: Phocidae, Genus: Neomonachus, and Species: Schauinslandi (fisheries.noaa.gov). It is found predominately on the Northwest Hawaiian Islands, with a smaller population located on the main islands. The monk seal arrived at the Hawaiian Islands anywhere from 3.5 to 11.6 million years ago. They are believed to have entered from the east via a passage way in Central America (fpir.noaa.gov). The animals were hunted aggressively in the 19th century for their fur. Since then, there population has not been able to recover. The monk seals face a number of obstacles to survival. Its population is still declining, as there were an estimated 1,112 remaining in 2015. Historically, its geographic range has been within the U.S. waters near the Hawaiian Islands. They can be found on the isolated beaches of the northwestern islands. They spend much of their time at sea near coral reefs. The seals habitat also consist of submerged sea banks, atolls, and other areas offshore. The monk seal typically forages for food at a depth of 60-300ft. deep (fisheries.noaa.gov). During breeding season, the monk seals are located on the sandy beaches of Hawaii. They prefer remote and secure locations when nursing their pups, which lasts a month until they return to the sea. The life span of a Hawaiian monk seal is 25-30 years. They mature at the age of five, and can grow up to 7.5 feet and weigh 400lbs. An interesting feature of the seal is they are born black, but grow a silver coat later in life. The monk seal is considered a benthic forager which eat fish, eels, octopus, and crustaceans (fisheries.noaa.gov). There are several reasons for the Hawaiian monk seals population has declined at such a rapid rate over the past few decades. First of all, the human population on the islands has disturbed the animals natural habitat. The seals often die after getting caught in fishing nets, and there is a decrease in food available which might be attributed to overfishing in the area. The seals have faced difficulty in finding sufficient food due to competition from other predators as well. Also, the monk seal is a source of prey for sharks which adds to its loss in numbers. Genetic variability is low among the Hawaiian monk seals, which has added to the species difficulty in recovering from its endangered status. This is compounded by the fact that subpopulations fail to migrate or interact with populations of differing islands. This has caused inbreeding which carries with it a host of negative consequences. Genetic diversity helps a species to recover by promoting disease resistance and adaptability to a changing environment. On the other hand, a lack of diversity increases a chance for disease and reproductive failure (Kretzmann 482-483). Inbreeding occurs when the number of potential mates is low, and it carries with it a number of concerns. When a species is facing extinction, the absence of genetic diversity can compound its struggle for survival. DNA testing of the monk seal has shown that its genetic diversity is extremely low. Because of this, an outbreak of an infectious disease could possibly cause the Hawaiian monk seal to become extinct (Kretzmann 487). If the seals were to breed with populations from differing islands, it could hypothetically increase their chance for survival. Mobbing, or the aggressive behavior exhibited by male seals, often results in the death of a female or young seal. It occurs when a group of males attempt to mate with one female and end up attacking the female. The resulting injuries can lead to infection or death. This is causing slower development of the seals population. It is found that in groups of smaller populations with slower growth rates, instances of this behavior are higher. It is thought that mobbing is a learned behavior that may take time to be overcome. Intervention can be used to decrease mobbing behavior, such as removing a set number of males from an area where there is an unequal gender ratio (Starfield and Roth 166, 169). There is currently action being taken to help the species recover. The Hawaiian Monk Seal Captive Care Workshop was created to halt the population decline and help it to recover. The organization believes that an annual reduction in population of 3.9% is due to the poor survival rate of juvenile seals. By supporting captive seals through rehabilitation, nutrition, and relocation, the group hopes to increase survival. It also advocates for other methods of helping the species, such as disentangling seals caught in fishing nets and removing debris from its habitat (Baker and Littnan 11). Other methods include removing sharks from the seals habitat, or relocating pups to areas where there is a lower risk from predators. Captive care and release helps undernourished or ill pups that might otherwise die. Once they are healthy, the young seals are relocated to an area where they will have a better chance of survival (Baker and Littnan 11, 12). It has been found that a high rate of seal pups die shortly after being weaned from the mother. The mother will leave the pup after one month of nursing, and if the pup is unable to find sufficient food, it faces starvation and death. The importance of the conservation efforts by these captive care and release programs cannot be understated. Since the Hawaiian monk seals have low genetic variability, they are more susceptible to disease. It is thought that another species, the Caribbean monk seal (Neomonachus Tropicalis), had a susceptibility for disease which likely hastened its extinction. The morbillivirus is of particular concern for the Hawaiian monk seals. The morbillivirus is a string of viruses that include the measles, which can be spread quickly and easily. Once a seal has become infected with the virus, the lungs and brain are affected, which can lead to death in as little as 5 days. The disease has already killed thousands of Atlantic seals and dolphins. Since the seals have no immunity to these viruses, scientists have taken action to create and administer a vaccination (Rogers). Once scientists found a suitable vaccine, they began to administer it to the seals in 2015. The vaccination process begins with a single injection, followed up with a booster shot one month later. As of September 2016, 43 Hawaiian monk seals have received the vaccination. The group of scientists (HMSRP) administering the shots hope that this project will be successful and grow. The Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program is also involved in other interventions such as removing seals from fishing nets and hooks, rehabilitating malnourished pups, and relocating seals to higher survival areas. Their efforts have slowed the populations decline by over half in the past 3 decades (Rogers). While the monk seal once had instrumental value, and were hunted for their furs, this led to the near extinction of the species in the early 1900s. Since the seal is no longer used for human purposes, it is now appreciated mainly for its intrinsic beauty. Intrinsic beauty is something that can be valued for its own sake. The monk seal is a rare animal that can be appreciated for its uniqueness, and has been an important aspect of the Hawaiian Islands for over 3 million years. The Hawaiian monk seal is also important to other species and the areas ecosystem. They are an apex predator and play an important role in keeping a number of prey from becoming overpopulated. Therefore, they create a balance needed for in maintaining a diverse and stable ecosystem (Muneoka). This is a significant reason for the conservation of the Hawaiian monk seals. The Hawaiian monk seal has faces so many obstacles over the past century, yet it has been able to survive in spite of these. The most alarming problem that the seals face is lack of food. The juvenile seals are facing a continuing threat of starvation, and they are in constant competition with fisheries and other predators. Protected areas for the seals have been used in the past, and expanding these will likely help. It will not only increase food supply for the seals, but will also prevent them from getting caught by fish hooks or nets. Until there is a greater supply of food for the monk seals, efforts in capturing and rehabilitating the young pups is important. Also, once they seals are at a healthier weight, they can be placed in an area where there is a higher source of food and increased chance of survival. Relocating seals is also helpful in increasing genetic diversity, which will help in the species ability to fight disease. Inoculation of the monk seal is also a good attempt at decreasing the seals vulnerability of disease. One other concern, mobbing, is a factor that is decreasing the chance of the seals survival. Interventions, such as removing males from areas where there is an imbalanced ratio of male to female, are helpful. With all of these efforts, and the noble concern of the people involved, the Hawaiian monk seal is beginning to see a brighter future. The population of monk seals has rising 3% annually over the past 3 years. As of January, 2017, there is an estimate of 1,400 Hawaiian monk seals. This is a great improvement, considering there were 1,112 seals in 2015. Interestingly, the state of Hawaii has dedicated 2017 as the Year of the Monk Seal. In conclusion, with the continuing hard work of the hard working people involved to save the Hawaiian monk seal, there is great hope for the species survival in the future. Works Cited Hawaiian Monk Seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi). http://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/pr/species/mammals/seals/hawaiian-monk-seal.html. Web. 16 Feb. 2017. Historical Timeline of the Hawaiian Monk Seal. http://www.fpir.noaa.gov/Library/PRD/Hawaiian%20monk%20seal/HMS_natural_history_timelineWEB.pdf. Web. 16 Feb. 2017. Schmelzer, Isabelle. Seals and Seascapes: Covariation in Hawaiian Monk Seal Subpopulations and the Oceanic Landscape of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Journal of Biogeography 27.4 (2000): 901-914. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Feb. 2017. Kretzmann, Maria B., et al. Low Genetic Variability in the Hawaiian Monk Seal. Conservation Biology, vol. 11, no. 2, 1997, pp. 482-490., www.jstor.org/stable/2387621. Web. 16 Feb. 2017. Starfield, Anthony M., et al. Mobbing in Hawaiian Monk Seals (Monachus Schauinslani): The Value of Simulation Modeling in the Absence of Apparently Crucial Data. Conservation Biology, vol. 9, no. 1, 1995, pp. 166-174., www.jstor.org/stable/2386398. Baker, Jason and Littnan, Charles. Report of the Hawaiian Monk Seal Captive Care Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 11-13, 2007. Pacific Islands Fish. Sci. Cent., Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., (2008). Rogers, Kim. Why Rare Hawaiian Monk Seals Are Lining Up to Get Their Shots. Smithsonian (2016). http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/researchers-are-vaccinating-wild-marine-species-first-time-180960479/. Web. 17 Feb. 2017. Muneoka, Lauren. Why Care About Monk Seals? Kahea (2011). http://kahea.org/blog/why-care-about-monk-seals. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Money Over Power Beyond its Fate Essay

Money is the root of all evil. It is the most powerful thing in the world besides love. Sometimes money can ruin love in a friendship, relationship, or even worse family. Money can even decide the fate of a human’s life. â€Å"There is so much about my fate that I cannot control, but other things do fall under the jurisdiction. I can decide how I spend my time, whom I interact with, whom I share my body and life and money and energy with. I can select what I can read and eat and study. I can choose how I’m going to regard unfortunate circumstances in my life-whether I will see them as curses or opportunities. I can choose my words and the tone of voice in which I speak to others. And most of all, I can choose my thoughts.† (Elizabeth Gilbert). In the movie, â€Å"No Country for Old Men,† A character by the name of, Llewelyn Moss, is caught in the cross fires of money, his actions, his thoughts, and most of all his own fate. Throughout the movie he is in a constant rat race with a man who goes by the name of, Anton Chigurh, who is a hit man that was hired to get the money that moss had stumbled upon and taken. Ofcourse Moss did not have to take this money and if he didn’t he wouldn’t be dealing with money, power, or the very predetermined fate of himself throughout the movie. Chigur also acts an officer of fate making up his own rules as he sees fit. Although Moss’s character may represent free will he also represents the fate that people make on their life after making one poor decision. Not only does this money ruin the fate of moss but it always toys with the fate of Moss’s wife, the owner of the gas station, and the children who were paid off to keep quiet. Some may say that it is not money that is the root of all evil but it is power. So does money and power go hand in hand? With money you have the power to control whatever you want, and with the most power you gain fear in others as well as continue to gain money from those who fear you. In â€Å"No Country for Old men† there is a constant battle between the power money holds on oneself as well as the fate of a life through money. The first time money determines a person’s fate is  during the coin flip at the gas station. When Chigurh realizes that the man working at the counter knows where he is from, he now becomes a witness of who Chigurh is and where he may be from. Maybe if the man would have just been quiet in the first place instead of trying to use the small talk and be friendly Chigurh would have never even have to have the thought of killing the man in the first place. But because the man is the person he is and just wanted to help â€Å"time pass† it pulled a spark and brought the whole conversation in another direction. Chigurh then begins to question the man. What time do you close? Do you stay out back? What time do you go to sleep? The Owner knew he was in some type of trouble and quickly tries to hurry the man out of his store so that he can reach some type of safe zone between him and Chigurh. The conversation continues and that’s when it starts to get a little interesting. Chigurh finds out that the man was married into the business. He didn’t want it nor did he save his earnings but fate brought him to that gas station and Fate would determine his life in a coin toss. â€Å"It is interesting, however, to note the way Chigurh and the Proprietor discuss the stakes of the game. The Proprietor is no doubt aware of the danger he’s in, but is carefully trying to determine the nature of the danger. They both avoid talking about the stakes of the game directly — the Proprietor, because if he says it, it might happen; Chigurh, because he considers himself an agent of Fate. Discussing it directly would make him responsible, and he’s not; the evil swirling through the film is bigger than this one man† (goodreasonblog.blogspot.com). Fate had played a life saving role in this man’s life but so did money. The flip the coin would determine his fate and that is when we right back on the subject of how which played a bigger role? The coin had all the power, although it was an instrument of the fate the man would determine on his own it still had the power. So can we really say that his fate was the reason this man is still alive? In the owners good graces he won the coin coin flip and his life was spared. But what if he had lost that coin flip? Do you really think Chigurgh would have killed an innocent man just because he noticed where he was from? Well that question could have been answered at the end of the movie when Chigurgh shows up at Moss’s wife, Carla Jean’s, house. Carla Jean finds herself seated across from the emotionless Chigurh. Chigurh had promised Moss that he would allow Carla Jean to live if the money was returned to Chigurh. He  assures Moss that it is the best deal he has to offer. Moss would have died either way but Chigurh promises Moss that he would not harm his wife as long as Moss listened to him. But of course determining the fate of himself and his wife Moss chooses not to listen to Chigurhs orders. It is really heartbreaking at this point in the movie because we all know Carla Jean is going to die. The power money has on a person is quite disgusting in this movie because we see that Moss truly chose his money over his wife. Chigurh tells Carla Jean that Moss could have saved her but the power of money had taken over Moss’s mind and moss made a decision for them both to suffer. â€Å"You don’t have to do this† Carla jean tells Chigurh. Chigurh then chooses to offer her the same coin flip option that he had previously offered the lucky old man at the gas station. Unlike the old man, Carla Jean refuses to call it when asked, even after the coin had been flipped and was just waiting to be called â€Å"The coin don’t have no say in it – it’s just you.† Chigurh again points out that he â€Å"got here the same way as the coin did.† Fate brought him to her house because of her husband and the power of money is what would kill Carl Jean in the end. Not only doe Chigurh try determining the fate of others, He also tries to determine the fate of himself. At the end of the movie when Chigurh is hit he pays a boy to keep quiet and act like nothing ever happened. Why would Chigurh do this? He is using his money to determine his fate. Chigurh knows that the lower his profile the less chances he will have of getting caught and going to prison for the illegal activity he has had going on. All in all none of these people had to do what they did. These were the choices they made and because of that, fate had a new twist on their life. Moss did not have to steal the money but he knew with more money came the happiness him and his wife had been working for. Maybe he did it out of love or maybe he was just being greedy we will never really know. Even Chigurh had the choice to not kill all those people because of Moss. All of those people who had died was a predetermined fate that was out of their control. Fate, in this movie, obviously came in more than one sub category. The money meant power and the power controlled ones fate. â€Å"Every moment in your life is a turning and every one a choosing. Somewhere you made a choice. All followed to this. The accounting is scrupulous. The shape is drawn. No line  can be erased. I had no belief in your ability to move a coin to your bidding. How could you? A person’s path through the world seldom changes and even more seldom will it change abruptly. And the shape of your path was visible from the beginning.† (coen 259) http://goodreasonblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/no-country-for-old-men-coin-toss-scene.html http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/fate

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Analysis Of Ted s Stevens Disability Essay - 1515 Words

Due to one’s own experiences and writing style, each other has their own intention with various strengths and weaknesses when conveying information to the reader. Carolyn S. Stevens’ Disability in Japan is a great example of this, as Stevens has a wonderfully large knowledge of how the impaired are treated within Japanese society. It is clear that Stevens wishes to inform the reader about the various ways in which society deems and treats someone as disabled through established social constructs rather than their impairment making them disabled. Similar ideas can be found with in other works that compose of the impairment of an individual in Japan. Stevens work in Disability in Japan is astounding, as she is able to convey so much information/ meaning in a very clear and concise way. However her texts lack a source of captivation in the reader, as her sentences are extremely dry and can be hard to read in long sessions. These cons however, cannot be said of Otokoe Hirot ada’s No One’s Perfect. No One’s Perfect by Otokoe Hirotada has the opposite strengths and weaknesses to that of Disability in Japan. Hirotada’s personal story of being impaired sense birth is absolutely breathtaking and each sentence entices you to continue to the next page. Though Hirotada covers similar ideas seen in Stevens work, even saying that â€Å"It’s the present environment that makes people disabled† (Hirotada 214), his account is more personal and gives light to the experiences of an impaired personaShow MoreRelatedIBM10585 Words   |  43 PagesThe company operates primarily in a single industry using several different segments that create value by offering a variety of solutions that include, technologies, systems, products, services, software, and financing (10-K report). The company s major operations compromise three hardware product segments. These segments are: technology, personal systems, and enterprise systems. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The And Circumstance At Chisago Lakes High School

Pomp and Circumstance High school Commencement in the United States is a tradition like no other. Every June, high school seniors dress in their Sunday best and head to the tried-and-true ritual. Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles swarm to secondary institutions with their cameras in hand. With the sea of hats and gowns, the graduating class is unified and united. Over the recent decades, Commencements across the United States have incorporated cords and stoles. These emphasize both communal and individual achievements throughout students’ secondary education and their community. At Chisago Lakes High School (CLHS), these achievements are recognized at Commencement with a variety of cords. Students who participate in the National†¦show more content†¦In the winter month of February, the CLHSSC organizes Snow Days, a winter Homecoming of sorts. Along with an enthralling pep fest, the CLHSSC hosts a formal, Sadie Hawkins Dance. Often the case, male students usuall y ask their female classmates to attend the school dance. However, with Sadie Hawkins, female students are empowered due in part to the fact that they ask their male classmates. Along with sponsoring CLHS events, the CLHSSC works directly with the NHS. Besides CLHSSC, the NHS, which is validated at Commencement through cords, plays a large role in promoting volunteerism and civic duties throughout CLHS and the Chisago Lakes community. Every year, NHS hosts a Compassion Collection by which CLHS students bring in toiletry items during the holiday season. CLHSSC members work directly with NHS members to collect, sort, and donate the items to Family Pathways, the local food shelf. Also, at the state level, the Minnesota Association of Student Council (MASC) and the Minnesota Association of Honors Societies (MAHS) work directly with each other and host an annual State Convention. This Student Council and NHS conference acts as a catalyst to share ideas across the State of Minnesota. With that said, Student Council and NHS have a vested interest in one another. However, at the CLHS Commencement, only NHS member are recognized by the white cords while CLHSSC members are not recognized. Even though the CLHSSC arguably contributes more to the